Thursday, 16 August 2012

6 Guys That Women Should Avoid On Dating Sites

If you've got your hopes pinned on finding Mr. Right on a dating site you might be disappointed--or at least taught a lesson in patience. No matter which site you prefer, you'll find there's a lot of dating "spam" to sift through. 

Chances are you'll recognize profiles that are mere fronts for predators or find men with dangerous and goofy behaviors. Just in case you aren't sure, run your "maybe" list through our profile sifter. If you notice these factors, think twice before getting to know him.

Photo trollers: Believe it or not, some guys enroll on dating sites just to show off their pictures. Unfortunately, not pictures you'd want to see. (We think anyway!) If a modern day flasher sends you pics of his "junk" or asks for pictures of yours, run the other way. That's just fifty shades of weird.
Half-naked guys: Think of guys posing with no shirt or pointing to his bicep as a warning shot. Either he spends too much time at the gym or loves himself a bit too much. Self-confidence is one thing
Strange stalkers: If he's pinging your inbox every time you log on or following you around the web, you could have a virtual stalker on your hands. Stalking is no joke and should be taken seriously. Report any weird behavior to your dating site provider.

Avatar daters: Newbies may not post a picture right away but if he's been online for more than a week he needs a photo. There's no reason he'd use an avatar as his fallback avatar unless he's got something to hide. Keep an eye on the guy who refuses to post a picture. (He could be a minor or have a third eye.)
Nasty emailers: Dirty talk isn't cool; especially if it's uninvited or unwanted. If he treats you like an online booty call ditch him. He's not going to respect you in the morning.

Little liars: Guys that lie about their life, work or stats need to be passed over. If you uncover one lie, (like he's 6 foot tall but turns out he's only 5) chances are you'll discover more. Think of lies as a red flag.

If you spot these six guys on your fav dating site think twice before sending him a flirty emoticon!

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